The Knit Inn, 2015 Edition
For several years now I've been making the trek to Greenville, SC to attend the SC Knitting Guild's Knit Inn, and it's always a blast.
This year I taught two classes: The Vintage Winter Shawl and the Charleston Indigo Scarf. The only pic I snapped of the Winter Shawl class was Claudia and her tangle:
Poor Claudia!
As you can imagine, with 250 knitters over the weekend, there were a lot of tangles.
I was treated to two completed Winter Shawl versions, which made me enormously happy.
Debra (top left) and Flo with their Vintage Winter Shawls
I was a little nervous about my Charleston Scarf class, since it was only the second time I had taught it and I wanted to make sure we covered all the necessary stitch patterns before I turned the students loose. I needn't have worried, because they were awesome students who rocked it, big time! I can't wait to see how their finished scarves turn out :)
Charleston Scarf class and their great swatches!
I took a couple of classes, including one on I-cords tips and techniques that was amazing. I also ate too much, knitted some, ripped out some more, and talked a LOT.
Our Charleston contingent was fun as always (you really can't take Micci anywhere, even if she looks really tame in the photo!)...
Charleston area knitters, road-trippin'.
I got to see Sandy Huff, which is always a treat. And when I admired Gerri and Carol's amazing bags, I was told they made those in one of her classes. So much awesomeness.
She's really not that short!
Gerri (l) holds the distinction of being in all the classes I was in this weekend. I told her I am now spoiled and it will never be the same without her and we should plan accordingly next year. Carol (r) and I were only in one class together, but it's always fun when she's around.
I missed getting pics of a lot of people, including my friends Dianne (who introduced me to someone like this: "I admired her shawl one year and we've been friends ever since!" I love it.) Pat, Teri and Becky (whom I've known since high school, before I was a knitter!). Also, Tom, who freely shared some amazing tips with me for future blog posts, Krista, my new friend from Yarn and Y'all in the 'ville, Starr, who took a class from me and has been so sweet and encouraging to me ever since...and a cast of thousands, give or take a few.
I'll leave you with this--two of my biggest cheerleaders, Flo and Michele. They befriended me at a Knit Inn years ago (before I knew everybody) and have kept up with my exploits during the year between Knit Inns ever since. They're both like favorite aunts that you can talk to about anything.
Overall, it was wonderful, as always! Knit Inn weekend always leaves me tired but inspired and so very grateful to know so many lovely talented people.