Fixing Mistakes Class: Behind the Madness

One of the most frequent requests I receive is from frustrated knitters who just don't know HOW they made the mistakes they have and HOW they are supposed to fix them.  The corollary question is WHEN will I finally arrive, and be that knitter who doesn't make mistakes??

I happily answer these queries because I get it. I was once that knitter who mucked up her stitches almost every time she worked on a project, no matter who simple. I was also once that knitter who thought that ONE day she would never make another mistake. I always tell them I have good news and bad news. The good news is that yes, we can figure out how you made the mistake and learn how to fix it. The bad news is you won't arrive. Well, ok, you MIGHT arrive, but I don't know anyone, no matter their length of time knitting, who doesn't make a mistake now and then. And are you ready for honesty? That includes me.

I really do knit with my tail, drop stitches and the last time I cast on a Coosaw Cowl (the long one) I twisted when joining in the round. Twice. TWICE!

So, good people of Knitland, join me the next time I offer a Fixing Mistakes Class. We will cover the most common mistakes, practice fixing them and even learn a thing or two about how to read your knitting. Or listen to it when it screams at you, "Hey wait! You picked it up backwards and are working in the wrong direction! There's gonna be a HOLE!"

I will have spent, in preparation for the class, many hours learning from my own screw-ups (some of which have epic, embarrassing proportions, like the simple 2-line pattern lace shrug that never ever came out the same number of stitches at the end of the row!) and much effort creating mistakes just for you to work on in class.  Fixing Mistakes is one of the few classes to which you need to bring nothing other than a willingness to learn. You can, of course, bring a project with a mistake for us to remedy, but it isn't required.

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