Summer Knitting: Framed Nine-Patch

It's hot here in the Summer.

I know, that sounds obvious. And no, it's not as hot as it is out in Phoenix where my aunt and uncle live and it's supposed to be 120 degrees next week. But it gets pretty sticky here in Charleston when 88 is both the temperature AND the humidity. 

The thing about Summer is that you just have to adjust things somewhat during those months. Take your walks early in the day before the sun gets hot. Drink gallons of iced tea. Keep the ceiling fans going 24/7. Knit with less wool and more cotton.

Summer is a good time to re-tool, reboot and review, too. 

If you're looking for a way to keep cool and keep knitting, I am retooling and rebooting a few of my dishcloth patterns for Summer. They are versatile (made out of cotton: dishcloth or washcloth; made out of wool or acrylic: afghan blocks; made longer: scarves), the patterns are free and it's what I'm knitting this Summer (in addition to the ever-present sock project and some Brioche for classes I'm teaching, but that's another blog post). 

First up: The Framed Nine-Patch

What's new: smaller needle size for a tidier knit, a larger cast-on to give you more of a square finished shape.

What I love: Quilts and the fact that this looks just enough like a patchwork monchromatic quilt to make me feel connected to my ancestral quilt makers. 

Click on the pic for a link to the free pdf download of The Framed Nine-Patch Dishcloth Reboot