Classes Will Resume....

…but not until it’s safe to do so!

I thought I would take a moment to answer a question I get weekly:

Q: Any classes scheduled?

A: Not at this time.

When the daily counts of new Covid cases in South Carolina are 3000+ EVERY day, and we keep setting new records of high numbers of new cases, I think it would be irresponsible and dangerous of me to offer in-person classes. Maybe there’s a way to teach something like knitting without getting closer than 6 feet to someone, but I have spent the last 9 months trying to figure out what that is! For a while there I was telling myself, “Maybe by summer.” Then it was “Maybe by Fall.” Now, I’m sticking with, “Don't really know!”

I wish it were different. I wish we weren’t in the middle of this deadly pandemic still. I wish I didn’t care so much about staying alive and healthy (and keeping those around me alive and healthy, too!). I know so many people who are pretty much living life like there is no such thing as Covid-19—going to parties, traveling, and well, GETTING the coronavirus!

It seems that the thing that makes me want to be a really good teacher, is also the thing that is keeping me from teaching right now: the fact that I care. Because I care about you, I want to make sure you get good instruction, and only when it is not going to put us at risk of being exposed to this disease.

One of my YouTube videos: Slip, Knit, PSSO

One of my YouTube videos: Slip, Knit, PSSO

I’m hoping this year I will be able to upload some good basic videos for you, showing a few basic techniques to help you with your knitting. (There are a few videos over on my YouTube channel already—check them out!)

Until then and until we can safely gather, wear your masks and take care of yourself! 😷